Gilles Gouspillou


Photo de Gilles Gouspillou
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 5322
Local : SB-4640
Langues : Français, Anglais
Ce professeur désire s'entretenir avec les médias
Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales

Cheminement académique

- 2011-2013 : Post-doctorat en physiologie musculaire (Université McGill)

- 2007-2010 : Ph. D. en Physiologie cellulaire et Physiopathologie (École doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé des Universités Bordeaux 1 et 2, France).

- 2005-2007 : M. Sc. en Sciences Biologiques (Université de St-Etienne,France)

- 2002-2005: B. Sc. en Physiologie de l'exercice (Université Bordeaux 2, France)

Unités de recherche

Projets de recherche et/ou de recherche-création en cours

  • Rôles et importance de la dynamique mitochondriale et de la mitophagie dans la physiologie musculaire et le développement de la sarcopénie; Financement - FRQS

  • Investigating the effects of calorie restriction on mitochondrial biology in adult and aged skeletal muscles - Financement : NSERC / CRSNG

Affiliations externes principales

  • Reynaud O, Leduc-Gaudet JP and Gouspillou G (2016). The Impact of Parkin overexpression in ske-letal muscle of young and old mice. 6th Scientific day of the GRAPA, Montreal, Canada, June 14, 2016
  • Andrich DE, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Lalonde F, Chabot F, Melbouci L, Nguyen V, Tousignant T, Mercier J, Gouspillou G, Danialou G, Comtois AS and St-Pierre DH (2016), Altered ambulatory activity and feeding patterns in a pediatric model in response to a short term high fat feeding diet. 6th Scientific day of the GRAPA, Montreal, Canada, June 14, 2016
  • Pion CH, El Hajj Boutros G, Lemieux FC, Dulac MC, Chevalier F, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Bélanger M, Aubertin-Leheudre M. Les adaptations neurophysiologiques et musculaires suite à un entrainement mixte en puissance different-elles selon le statut fonctionnel d'hommes âgés? 6th Scientific day of the GRAPA, Montreal, Canada, June 14, 2016
  • Andrich DE, Chabot F, Tousignant, J, Leduc-Gaudet JP Nguyen V, Melbouci L, Danialou G, Gouspillou G, Comtois AS, St-Pierre DH (2016), Effets à Court Terme d'une Diète Obésogène sur les Fonctions Musculaires de Jeunes Rats, Congrès de la SQLNM, February 10-12, 2016
  • Andrich DE, Chabot F, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Tousignant J, Nguyen V, Melbouci L, Danialou G, Gouspillou G, Comtois AS, St-Pierre DH (2016) Effets aigus d'une diète obésogène sur l'activité ambulatoire et le sommeil de jeunes rats, Congrès de la SQLNM, February 10-12, 2016
  • .Kleme ML, Sane AT, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Garofalo C, Gouspillou G et Levy E (2016) Impact du CFTR sur les fonctions mitochondriales dans les cellules épithéliales intestinalis, Congrès de la SQLNM, February 10-12, 2016
  • Leduc-Gaudet JP, Picard M, St-Jean Pelletier F, Sgarioto N, Auger MJ, Vallée J, Robitaille R, St- Pierre DH, Gouspillou G (2015) Effects of skeletal muscle aging on mitochondrial morphology and dynamics. 2015 APS Conference Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside, Tampa,FL, September 9-12, 2015
  • Diolez PD, Bourdel-Marchasson I, Pasdois P, Detaille D, Rouland R, Calmettes GC, and Gouspillou G (2015) Modulation of Mitochondrial Adenine Nucle-otide Translocase (ANT) Regulation with Aging 2015 APS Conference Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside, Tampa, FL, September 9-12, 2015
  • Morrow R, Picard M, Derbeneva O, Leipzig J, Gouspillou G, Hepple RT, and Wallace DC. (2015) Mitochondrial Energy Deficiency Leads to Hyperproliferation of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria and Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity 2015 APS Conference Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside, Tampa, FL, September 9-12, 2015
  • Leduc-Gaudet JP, Picard M, St-Jean Pelletier F, Sgarioto N, Auger MJ, Vallée J, Robitaille R, St- Pierre DH, Gouspillou G (2015) Mitochondrial morphology is altered in aged skeletal muscle. Cell Symposia - Multifaceted Mitochondria, Chicago, United States, July 19 2015.
  • Leduc-Gaudet JP, Picard M, St-Jean Pelletier F, Sgarioto N, Auger MJ, Vallée J, Robitaille R, St- Pierre DH, Gouspillou G (2015) The Impact of Skeletal Muscle Aging on Mitochondrial Morphology: A Quantitative Transmission Electron Microscopy Study, Second Annual Perfom Center research conference, May 15, 2015, Montréal, Qc, Canada
  • St-Jean Pelletier F, Pion CH, Lemieux F, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Barbat-Artigas S, Sgarioto N, Gaudreau P, Hepple RT, Chevalier S, Belanger M, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Gouspillou G, (2015) Investigation of the Impacts of Aging and Physical Activity Levels on Skeletal Muscle Phenotype in Men Second Annual Perform Center research conference, May 15, 2015, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
  • Pion CH, Goulet L, Demers E, Barbat-Artigas S, Reynaud O, Chevalier S, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M and Bélanger M (2015). Do muscle strength and force development differ depending on functional abilities? ISPGR World Congress 2015, Seville, Spain.
  • Lalonde F, Chabot F, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Andrich DE, Melbouci L, Nguyen V, Tousignant J, Danialou G, Gouspillou G, Comtois AS, Dufresne M, Chaurand P and St-Pierre DH, Skeletal muscle functions are impaired by a short term obesogenic diet in young rats. Montreal Diabetes Research Center, Montréal, 2015, Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • Pion CH, El Hajj Boutros G, Lemieux FC, Dulac MC, Chevalier S, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Belanger M. Adaptation neuromusculaire en réponse à un entrainement en puissance chez des hommes de 70 ans et plus: effet du statut physique (résultats préliminaires). Journée scientifique annuelle CRIUGM/CAREC, 27 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada
  • Pion CH, Goulet L, Demers E, Barbat-Artigas S, Reynaud O, Chevalier S, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M and Bélanger M. La force musculaire et son développement diffèrent-ils selon la capacité fonctionnelle chez des hommes âgés en santé? 23ème congrès de l'Association Québécoise des Sciences de l'Activité Physique, 6-7 Février 2015, Québec, Canada
  • St-Jean Pelletier, F Pion CH, Lemieux F, Leduc-Gaudet JP, Barbat-Artigas S, Sgarioto N, Gaudreau P, Hepple RT, Chevalier S, Belanger M, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Gouspillou G, (2014) Effets du vieillissement sur le phénotype musculaire chez l'homme, 12e Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 6,7 et 8 octobre2014, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
  • Leduc-Gaudet JP, Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Bélanger M, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Gaudreau P, Aubertin-Leheudre M. Levels of IGF-1 and IGFBP3 with muscles Quality and physical function in older men. 12ème Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 2014, Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Reynaud O, Chevalier S, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Bélanger M, La force musculaire et son développement diffèrent-ils en fonction de l'âge? 12ème Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 2014, Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Reynaud O, Lemieux F, Pion C, Colaneri R, Gaudreau P, Morais J, Chevalier S, Bélanger M, Gouspillou G, Aubertin-leheudre M, Fonction musculaire, apport protéique et entraînement en résistance chez l'ainé, 12ème Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 2014, Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Chevalier S, Gaudreau P, Gouspillou G, Morais JA, Aubertin- Leheudre M et Bélanger M. Profil neuromusculaire d'hommes âgés pré-frêles et en santé: une étude pilote. Colloque Recherche en Santé (GRAPA), Mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.
  • Barbat-Artigas S, Pion CH, Gouspillou G, Bélanger M, Hepple RT, Morais JA, Aubertin-Leheudre M. La qualité musculaire est-elle impliquée dans la perte de force musculaire liée à l'âge? Journée scientifique annuelle CRIUGM/CAREC, 27 mai 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Feryn N, Reynaud O, Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Belanger M, Gouspillou G, Chevalier S, Morais J, Gaudreau P, Aubertin-Leheudre M. Effet de l'âge et de la quantité de protéines ingérées sur la fonction musculaire et les capacités fonctionnelles d'hommes âgés : une étude pilote. Journée scientifique annuelle CRIUGM/CAREC, 27 mai 2014, Montreal, Québec, Canada.
  • Feryn N, Reynaud O, Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Belanger M, Gouspillou G, Chevalier S, Morais J, Gaudreau P, Aubertin-Leheudre M. Effect of ag and protein intake on muscle function and functional capacities in elderly men : A pilot study. McGill Geriatridc Research Day, June 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • S Kapchinsky, P Rozakis, NJ MacMillan, G Gouspillou, TR Jagoe , RS Sena, J Bourbeau, J Jensen, RT Hepple, T Taivassalo (2014), Eccentric Cycling Improves The Metabolic Profile Of Lower Limb Muscle In Severe COPD, American Thoracic Society International Conference, United States, California, San Diego
  • Gouspillou G (2014), New insights into the effects of aging on mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle", International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research, Spain, Barcelona
  • Morrow R, Picard M, McManus M, Gouspillou G, Hepple RT, Wallace DC (2013), Loss of Adenine Nucleotide Translocase Alters Muscle Mitochondrial Function and Enhances Insulin Sensitivity, Advances in Skeletal Muscle Biology in Health and Disease, United States, Florida, Gainesville
  • Lemieux FC, Gouspillou G, Barbat-Artigas S, Rolland Y, Vellas B. & Aubertin-Leheudre M, (2013) "Influence of the source of protein intake on muscle function in elderly women: The EPIDOS Study", EUGMS, Italy, Venise
  • Gouspillou G, Sgarioto N, Kapchinsky S, Purves-Smith F, Norris B, Pion CH, Barbat-Artigas S, Lemieux FC, Taivassalo T, Morais J, Aubertin-Leheudre M and Hepple RT, (2013) "Sensitized mitochondrial permeability transition pore and increased mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in skeletal muscle of old men", 11ème Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, Canada, Quebec, Quebec
  • Lemieux FC, Gouspillou G, Barbat-Artigas S, Rolland Y, Vellas B. & Aubertin-Leheudre M, (2013) "L'influence de la provenance of de l'apport protéique sur la fonction musculaire des femmes âgées : L'étude ÉPIDOS", 11e Édition des Journées de la Recherche du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV), Canada, Québec, Québec
  • Lemieux FC, Karelis AD, Ringuet M-E, Gouspillou G. & Aubertin-Leheudre M, (2013) "Relationship between changes in body composition and muscle strength with changes in insulin sensibility following resistance training in obese postmenopausal women", ESPEN, Germany, Leipzig
  • Lemieux FC, Ringuet M-E, Gouspillou G, Karelis AD. & Aubertin-Leheudre M, (2013) "Relation entre les changements de composition corporelle, de force maximale avec la sensibilité à l'insuline suite à l'entrainement de résistance chez des femmes obèses post-ménopausées", ACFAS, Canada, Québec, Québec
  • Barbat-Artigas S, Pion CH, Gouspillou G, Bélanger M, Hepple RT, Morais JA and Aubertin- Leheudre M. Loss of muscle mass with aging without loss of muscle quality. 1st Montreal International Symposium of GRAPA: MHC, Mai 2013, Montréal, Canada.
  • Lemieux FC, Barbat-Artigas S, Gouspillou G & Aubertin-Leheudre M, (2013) "Rôle des acides gras saturés dans la relation entre protéines de qualité et fonctions physiques chez les femmes post- ménopausées", AQSAP, Canada, Quebec, Sherbrooke
  • Gouspillou G, Scheede-Bergdahl C, Meehan B, Archer-Lahlou E, Mlynarski H, Sgarioto N, Purves-Smith FM, Rak J, Hepple RT and Jagoe RT (2012) Progressive skeletal muscle wasting and longterm impairment of mitochondrial function following repeated cyclical administration of Doxorubicin and Dexamethasone, Cancer Cachexia: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Gouspillou G (2012) Regulation of angiogenesis in response to energy insufficiency in human skeletal muscle: Insights from a mitochondrial myopathy patient case study, Regroupement Stratégique MPOC du Réseau en Santé Respiratoire (FRSQ), Montreal, QC, Canada.
  • Gouspillou G (2011) Can PGC-1 drive angiogenesis in response to mitochondrial energetic insufficiency? Insights from mitochondrial myopathy patients, Annual Respiratory Epidemiologyand Clinical Research Unit (RECRU), Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada.
  • Gouspillou G, Bourdel-Marchasson I, Rouland R, Calmettes G, Deschodt-Arsac V, Miraux S, Thiaudiere E, Franconi J-M, Babot M, Trézéguet V, Arsac L and Diolez P (2011) Mitochondrial bioenergetics is impaired in vivo in aged rat gastrocnemius muscle, Euromit 8, June 20-24 2011, Zaragoza, Spain.
  • Gouspillou G (2010) Altérations de l'énergétique mitochondriale au cours du vieillissement musculaire : de l'in vivo à l'in vitro. 10e Journée Scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé, Arcachon, France.
  • Gouspillou G, Bourdel-Marchasson I, Rouland R, Calmettes G, Franconi J-M and Diolez P (2009) Alteration of the kinetic properties of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation as an impairing mechanism in skeletal muscle aging, MiMage Final Meeting, 26-30 September 2009, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
Services à la collectivité

- Membre du Comité Institutionnel de Protection des Animaux
- Membre du Comité de programmes des cycles supérieurs et du sous-comité d'admission et d'évaluation du Département des sciences de l'activité physique
- Membre du Comité responsable de la Politique d'utilisation des équipements et des locaux (CPEL), Département des sciences de l'activité physique
- Membre du Comité de liaison local, Département des sciences de l'activité physique

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Thèses de doctorat


Articles scientifiques
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Franco-Romero, A., Broering, F.E., Cefis, M., Moamer, A., Milan, G., Sartori, R., Chaffer, T.J., Dulac, M., Marcangeli, V., Mayaki, D., Huck, L., Shams, A., Morais, J.A., Duchesne, E., Lochmuller, H., Sandri, M., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2023). MYTHO is a novel regulator of skeletal muscle autophagy and integrity. Nature Communications, 14, article 1199.
  • Youssef, L., Bourgin, M., Durand, S., Aprahamian, F., Lefevre, D., Maiuri, M.C., Marcangeli, V., Dulac, M., Hajj-Boutros, G., Buckinx, F., Peyrusqué, E., Gaudreau, P., Morais, J.A., Gouspillou, G., Kroemer, G., Aubertin-Leheudre, M. et Noirez, P. (2023). Serum Metabolome Adaptations Following 12 Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training or Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training in Obese Older Adults. Metabolites, 13(2), article 198.
  • Reynaud, O., Wang, J., Ayoub, M.-B., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Mayaki, D., Dulac, M., Hussain, S.N.A., Bergeron, R. et Gouspillou, G. (2023). The impact of high fat feeding and Parkin overexpression on skeletal muscle mass, mitochondrial respiration and H2O2 emission. American journal of Physiology – Cell physiology, 324(2), C366–C376.
  • Youssef, L., Granet, J., Marcangeli, V., Dulac, M., Hajj-Boutros, G., Reynaud, O., Buckinx, F., Gaudreau, P., Morais, J.A., Mauriège, P., Gouspillou, G., Noirez, P. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2022). Clinical and Biological Adaptations in Obese Older Adults Following 12-Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training or Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training. Healthcare, 10(7), article 1346.
  • Trumpff, C., Rausser, S., Haahr, R.Karan, K.R., Gouspillou, G., Kirschbaum, C. et Picard, M. (2022). Dynamic behavior of cell-free mitochondrial DNA in human saliva. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 143, article 105852.
  • Junker, A., Wang, J., Gouspillou, G., Ehinger, J.K., Elmér, E., Sjövall, F., Fisher-Wellman, K., Neufer, P.D., Molina, A.J.A., Ferrucci, L. et Picard, M. (2022). Human studies of mitochondrial biology demonstrate an overall lack of binary sex differences: A multivariate meta-analysis. FASEB Journal, 36(2), article e22146.
  • Marcangeli, V., Youssef, L., Dulac, M., Carvalho, L.P., Hajj-Boutros, G., Reynaud, O., Guegan, B., Buckinx, F., Gaudreau, P., Morais, J.A., Mauriège, P., Noirez, P., Aubertin-Leheudre, M. et Gouspillou, G. (2022). Impact of high intensity interval training with or without L-Citrulline on physical performance, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in obese older adults. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13(3), 1526–1540.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2022). Parkin: A potential target to promote healthy ageing. The Journal of Physiology, 600(15), 3405–3421.
  • Hajj-Boutros, G., Karelis, A.D., Cefis, M., Morais, J.A., Casgrain, J., Gouspillou, G. et Sonjak, V. (2022). Potential mechanisms involved in regulating muscle protein turnover after acute exercise: A brief review. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, article 1106425.
  • Hajj-Boutros, G., Landry-Duval, M.A., Comtois, A.S., Gouspillou, G. et Karelis A.D. (2022). Wrist-worn devices for the measurement of heart rate and energy expenditure: A validation study for the Apple Watch 6, Polar Vantage V and Fitbit Sense. European Journal of Sport Science, 23(2), 165–177.
  • Hussain, S.N.A., Sandri, M. et Gouspillou, G. (2021). Editorial: Autophagy and Mitophagy in Skeletal Muscle Health and Disease. Frontiers in Physiology – Striated Muscle Physiology, 12, article 703458.
  • Dulac, M.C., Pion, C.H., Lemieux, F.C., Carvalho, L.P., El Hajj Boutros, G., Bélanger, M., Gaudreau, P., Chevalier, S., Morais, J.A., Noirez, P., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2021). Effects of slow versus fast protein supplementation combined with mixed power training on muscle function and functional capacities in elderly men. British Journal of Nutrition, 125(9), 1017–1033.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Barreiro, E., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2021). Mitochondrial Dynamics and Mitophagy in Skeletal Muscle Health and Aging. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(15), article 8179.
  • Chaffer, T.J., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Moamer, A., Broering, F.E., Gouspillou, G. et Hussain, S.N.A. (2021). Novel insights into the autonomous role played by vitamin D receptor in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass. The Journal of Physiology, 599(7), 1955–1956.
  • Dulac, M., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Ayoub, M.-B., Reynaud, O., Shams, A., Moamer, A., Ferreira, M.F.N., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2021). Regulation of muscle and mitochondrial health by the mitochondrial fission protein Drp1 in aged mice. The Journal of Physiology, 599(17), 4045–4063.
    Notes: [Article recommended by in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field]
  • Dulac, M., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Ayoub, M.-B., Guérin, A., Finkelchtein, M., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2020). Drp1 knockdown induces severe muscle atrophy and remodeling, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy impairment and denervation. The Journal of Physiology, 598(17), 3691–3710.
  • Buckinx, F., Carvalho, L.P., Marcangeli, V., Dulac, M., Hajj Boutros, G., Gouspillou, G., Gaudreau, P., Noirez, P. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2020). High intensity interval training combined with L-citrulline supplementation: Effects on physical performance in healthy older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 140, article 111036.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Dulac, M., Reynaud, O., Ayoub, M.-B. et Gouspillou, G. (2020). Nicotinamide riboside supplementation to improve skeletal muscle mitochondrial health and whole-body glucose homeostasis: does it actually work in humans? The Journal of Physiology, 598(4), 619–620.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Dulac, M., Reynaud, O., Broering, F.E., Chaffer, T.J., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2020). Parkin overexpression attenuates sepsis-induced muscle wasting. Cells, 9(6), article 1454.
  • Ve, H., Cabana, V.C., Gouspillou, G. et Lussier, M.P. (2020). Quantitative Immunoblotting Analyses Reveal that the Abundance of Actin, Tubulin, Synaptophysin and EEA1 Proteins is Altered in the Brains of Aged Mice. Neuroscience, 442, 100–113.
  • Faitg, J., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Ferland, G., Gaudreau, P. et Gouspillou, G. (2019). Effects of Aging and Caloric Restriction on Fiber Type Composition, Mitochondrial Morphology and Dynamics in Rat Oxidative and Glycolytic Muscles. Frontiers in Physiology – Striated muscle physiology, 10, article 420.
  • Buckinx, F., Marcangeli, V., Pinheiro Carvalho, L., Dulac, M., Hajj Boutros, G, Gouspillou, G., Gaudreau, P., Morais, J., Noirez, P. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2019). Initial Dietary Protein Intake Influence Muscle Function Adaptations in Older Men and Women Following High-Intensity Interval Training Combined with Citrulline. Nutrients, 11(7), article 1685.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Hussain, S.N. et Gouspillou, G. (2019). Parkin overexpression protects from aging-related loss of muscle mass and strength. The Journal of Physiology, 597(7), 1975–1991.
  • Andrich, D.E., Melbouci, L., Ou, Y., Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., Chabot, F., Lalonde, F. Lira, F.S., Gaylinn, B.D., Gouspillou, G., Danialou, G., Comtois, A.-S. et St-Pierre, D.H. (2018). Altered Feeding Behaviors and Adiposity Precede Observable Weight Gain in Young Rats Submitted to a Short-Term High-Fat Diet. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Article ID 1498150.
  • Andrich, D.E., Ou, Y., Melbouci, L., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Auclair, N., Mercier, J., Secco, B., Tomaz, L.M., Gouspillou, G., Danialou, G., Comtois, A.S. et St-Pierre, D.H. (2018). Altered Lipid Metabolism Impairs Skeletal Muscle Force in Young Rats Submitted to a Short-Term High-Fat Diet. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, article 1327.
  • Yeganeh, P.R., Leahy, J., Spahis, S., Patey, N., Desjardins, Y., Roy, D., Delvin, E., Garofalo, C., Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., St-Pierre, D., Beaulieu, J.F., Marette, A., Gouspillou, G. et Levy, E. (2018). Apple peel polyphenols reduce mitochondrial dysfunction in mice with DSS-induced ulcerative colitis. The Journal of Nutrition Biochemistry, 57, 56–66.
  • Dulac, M.C., Pion, C.H., Lemieux, F., Boutros El Hajj, G., Belanger, M., Gaudreau, P., Chevalier, S., Morais, J., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2018). Differences in muscle adaptation to a 12-week mixed power training in elderly men, depending on usual protein intake. Experimental Gerontology, 104, 78–85.
  • Buckinx, F., Gouspillou, G., Carvalho, L.P., Marcangeli, V., El Hajj Boutros, G., Dulac, M., Noirez, P., Morais, J.A., Gaudreau, P. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2018). Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training Combined with L-Citrulline Supplementation on Functional Capacities and Muscle Function in Dynapenic-Obese Older Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(12), article 561.
  • Gouspillou, G., Godin, R., Piquereau, J., Picard, M., Mofarrahi, M., Mathew, J., Purves-Smith, F.M., Sgarioto, N., Hepple, R. T., Burelle, Y. et Hussain, S.N.A. (2018). Protective role of Parkin in skeletal muscle contractile and mitochondrial function. The Journal of Physiology, 596(13), 2565–2579.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Chabot, F., Mercier, J., Andrich, D.E., St-Pierre, D.H. et Gouspillou, G. (2018). The impact of a short-term high-fat diet on mitochondrial respiration, reactive oxygen species production, and dynamics inoxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles of young rats. Physiological Reports, 6(4), e13548.
  • MacMillan, N.J., Kapchinsky, S., Konokhova, Y., Gouspillou, G., de Sousa Sena, R., Jagoe, R. T., Baril, J., Carver, T.E., Andersen, R.E., Richard, R., Perrault, H., Bourbeau, J., Hepple, R.T. et Taivassalo, T. (2017). Eccentric ergometer training promotes locomotor muscle strength but not mitochondrial adaptation in patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, article 114.
  • Morrow, R.M., Picard, M., Derbeneva, O., Leipzig, J., McManus, M.J., Gouspillou, G., Barbat-Artigas, S., Dos Santos, C., Hepple, R.T., Murdock, D.G. et Wallace, D. C. (2017). Mitochondrial Energy Deficiency Leads to Hyperproliferation of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria and Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 114(10), 2705–2710.
  • Pion, C.H., Barbat-Artigas, S., St-Jean-Pelletier, F., Chevalier, S., Gaudreau, P., Gouspillou, G., Morais, J.A., Bélanger, M. et Aubertin-Leheudre M. (2017). Muscle strength and force development in high- and low-functioning elderly men: Influence of muscular and neural factors. Experimental Gerontology, 96, 19–28.
  • Faitg, J., Reynaud, O., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P. et Gouspillou, G. (2017). Skeletal muscle aging and mitochondrial dysfunction: an update [Dysfonctions mitochondriales et vieillissement musculaire : une mise à jour]. Médecine/sciences, 33(11), 955–962.
  • St-Jean-Pelletier, F., Pion, C.H., Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., Sgarioto, N., Zovilé, I., Barbat-Artigas, S., Reynaud, O., Alkaterji, F., Lemieux, F.C., Grenon, A., Gaudreau, P., Hepple, R.T., Chevalier, S., Belanger, M., Morais, J.A., Aubertin-Leheudre, M. et Gouspillou, G. (2017). The impact of ageing, physical activity, and pre-frailty on skeletal muscle phenotype, mitochondrial content, and intramyocellular lipids in men. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8(2), 213–228.
  • Spendiff, S., Vuda, M., Gouspillou, G., Aare, S., Perez, A., Morais, J.A., Jagoe, R.T., Filion, M.-E., Glicksman, R., Kapchinksy, S., MacMillan, N.J., Pion, C.H., Aubertln-Leheudre, M., Hettwer, S., Correa, J.A., Taivassalo, T. et Hepple, R. (2016). Denervation Drives Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle of Octogenarians. The Journal of Physiology, 594(24), 7361–7379.
  • Gouspillou, G. et Hepple, R.T. (2016). Editorial: Mitochondria in Skeletal Muscle Health, Aging and Diseases. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, article 446.
  • Dulac, M., El Hajj Boutros, G., Pion, C., Barbat-Artigas, S., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). Is handgrip strength normalized to body weight a useful tool to identify dynapenia and functional incapacity in post-menopausal women? Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 20(6), 510–516.
  • Gouspillou, G., Scheede-Bergdahi, C., Spendiff, S., Vuda, M., Meehan, B., Mlynarski, H., Archer-Lahlou, E., Sgarioto, N., Purves-Smith, F.M., Konokhova, Y., Rak, J., Chevalier, C., Taivassalo, T., Hepple, R.T. et Jagoe, R.T. (2015). Anthracycline-containing chemotherapy causes long-term impairment of mitochondrial respiration and increased reactive oxygen species release in skeletal muscle. Scientific Reports, 5, article 8717.
  • Diolez, P., Bourdel-Marchasson, I., Calmettes, G., Pasdois, P., Detaille, D., Rouland, R. et Gouspillou, G. (2015). Hypothesis on skeletal muscle aging: Mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocator decreases reactive oxygen species production while preserving coupling efficiency. Frontiers in Physiology, 6, article 369.
  • Diolez, P., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Arsac, L., dos Santos, P., Jais, P. et Haissaguerre, M. (2015). Integrative methods for studying cardiac energetics. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1264, 289–303.
  • Jean-Philippe Leduc-Gaudet, M.P., Felix St-Jean Pelletier, Nicolas Sgarioto, Marie-Joëlle Auger, Joanne Vallée, Richard Robitaille, David St-Pierre and Gilles Gouspillou. (2015). Mitochondrial morphology is altered in atrophied skeletal muscle of aged mice. Oncotarget, 6(20), 1–15.
  • Spendiff, S., Vuda, M., Gouspillou, G., Aare, S., Filion, M.-E., Kapchinsky, S., Morais, J., Jagoe, R., Hettwer, S., Taivassalo, T. et Hepple, R.T. (2015). Primary versus secondary mitochondrial function alterations in aging muscle. The FASEB Journal, 29(1), 815.4.
    Notes: EB2015, Boston, April 2015
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., Auger, M.J., St-Jean-Pelletier, F. et Gouspillou, G. (2015). Towards a better understanding of the role played by mitochondrial dynamics and morphology in skeletal muscle atrophy. The Journal of Physiology, 593(14), 2993–2994.
  • Gouspillou, G., Sgarioto, N., Kapchinsky, S., Purves-Smith, F., Norris, B., Pion, C.H., Barbat-Artigas, S., Lemieux, F., Taivassalo, T., Morais, J.A., Aubertin-Leheudre, M. et Hepple, R.T. (2014). Increased sensitivity to mitochondrial permeability transition and myonuclear translocation of endonuclease G in atrophied muscle of physically active older humans. The FASEB Journal, 28(4), 1621–1633.
  • Gouspillou, G., Bourdel-Marchasson, I., Rouland, R., Calmettes, G., Biran, M., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Miraux, S., Thiaudiere, E., Pasdois, P., Detaille, D., Franconi, J.-M., Babot, M., Trzéquet, V., Arsac, L. et Diolez, P. (2014). Mitochondrial energetics is impaired in vivo in aged skeletal muscle. Aging Cell, 13(1), 39–48.
  • Gouspillou, G., Sgarioto, N., Norris, N., Barbat-Artiguas, S., Aubertin-Leuheudre, M., Burelle, Y., Hepple, R.T. (2014). The relationship between muscle fiber type-specific PGC-1α content and mitochondrial content varies between rodent models and humans. PLoS One, 9(8), e103044.
  • Mofarrahi, M., Guo, Y., Haspel, J.A., Choi, A.M.K., Davis, E.C., Gouspillou, G., Hepple, R.T., Godin, R., Burelle, Y. et Hussain, S.N.A. (2013). Autophagic flux and oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles during acute starvation. Autophagy, 9(10), 1604–1620.
  • Gouspillou, G. et Hepple, R.T. (2013). Facts and controversies in our understanding of how caloric restriction impacts the mitochondrion. Experimental gerontology, 48(10), 1075–1084.
  • Deschodt-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Chapolard, M., Raffard, G., Rouland, R., Jais, P., Haissaguerre, M., Dos Santos, P. et Diolez, P. (2013). Non-invasive integrative analysis of contraction energetics in intact beating heart. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 45(1), 4–10.
  • Gouspillou, G., Picard, M., Godin, R., Burelle, Y. et Hepple, R.T. (2013). Role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) in denervation-induced atrophy in aged muscle: facts and hypotheses. Longevity & Healthspan, 2, 13.
  • Gouspillou, G., Rouland, R., Calmettes, G., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Franconi, J.M., Bourdel-Marchasson, I. et Diolez, P. (2011). Accurate determination of the oxidative phosphorylation affinity for ADP in isolated mitochondria. PloS one, 6(6), e20709.
  • Picard, M., Taivassalo, T., Gouspillou, G. et Hepple, R.T. (2011). Mitochondria: isolation, structure and function. The Journal of physiology, 589(18), 4413–4421.
  • Ebikeme, C., Hubert, J., Biran, M., Gouspillou, G., Morand, P., Plazolles, N., Guegan, F., Diolez, P., Franconi, J.-M. Portais, J.-C. et Bringaud, F. (2010). Ablation of succinate production from glucose metabolism in the procyclic trypanosomes induces metabolic switches to the glycerol 3-phosphate/dihydroxyacetone phosphate shuttle and to proline metabolism. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(42), 32312–32324.
  • Gouspillou, G., Bourdel-Marchasson, I., Rouland, R., Calmettes, G., Franconi, J.M., Deschodt-Arsac, V. et Diolez, P. (2010). Alteration of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in aged skeletal muscle involves modification of adenine nucleotide translocator. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics, 1797(2), 143–151.
  • Calmettes, G., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Gouspillou, G., Miraux, S., Muller, B., Franconi, J.M., Thiaudiere, E. et Diolez, P. (2010). Improved energy supply regulation in chronic hypoxic mouse counteracts hypoxia-induced altered cardiac energetics. PloS one, 5(2), e9306.
  • Deschodt-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Rouland, R., Thiaudiere, E., Miraux, S., Franconi, J.-M. et Diolez P. (2010). System analysis of the effect of various drugs on cardiac contraction energetics. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38(5), 1319–1321.
  • Belbachir, K., Noreen, R., Gouspillou, G. et Petibois, C. (2009). Collagen types analysis and differentiation by FTIR spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 395(3), 829–837.
  • Korzeniewski, B., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Franconi, J.M. et Diolez P. (2009). Effect of pyruvate, lactate and insulin on ATP supply and demand in unpaced perfused rat heart. Biochemical Journal, 423(3), 421–428.
  • Blanc-Bisson, C., Dechamps, A., Gouspillou, G., Dehail, P. et Bourdel-Marchasson, I. (2008). A randomized controlled trial on early physiotherapy intervention versus usual care in acute care unit for elderly: potential benefits in light of dietary intakes. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 12(6), 395–399.
  • Petibois, C., Gouspillou, G., Wehbe, K., Delage, J.-P. et Déléris, G. (2006). Analysis of type I and IV collagens by FT-IR spectroscopy and imaging for a molecular investigation of skeletal muscle connective tissue. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386(7-8), 1961–1966.
Chapitres de livre
  • Diolez, P., Deschodt-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Arsac, L., Jais, P., Haissaguerre, M. et Dos Santos, P. (2021). Integrative Methods for Studying Cardiac Energetics. Dans M.E. Volkmar Weissig (dir.). Mitochondrial Medicine. Methods in Molecular Biology (p. 405–421). Humana.
  • Diolez, P., Deschodt.-Arsac, V., Calmettes, G., Gouspillou, G., Arsac, L., dos Santos, P., Jais, P. et Haissaguerre, M. (2015). Integrative Methods for Studying Cardiac Energetics. Dans V. Weissig et M. Edeas (dir.). Mitochondrial Medicine: Vol. I. Probing Mitochondrial Function (p. 289–303). Humana Press.
    Notes: collection Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1264
Actes de colloque
  • Chaffer, T.J., Moamer, A., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Broering, F.E., Mayaki, D., Huck, L., Sandri, M., Gouspillou, G. et Hussain, S. (2022). D230025D16Rik: A Novel Regulator of Muscle Cell Differentiation, FASEB Journal, 36(S1), article R3210.
  • Cefis, M., Marcangeli,, V., Granet, J., Hammad, R., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Gaudreau, P., Robitaille, R., Belanger, M., Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Morais, J. et Gouspillou, G. (2022). Mitochondrial calcium retention capacity correlates with markers of muscle mass, strength, power and functional capacities in young and old adults, FASEB Journal, 36(S1), article R4285.
  • Dulac, M., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Ayoub, M.-B., Reynaud, O., Shams, A., Moamer, A., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2022). Modulating the expression of the mitochondrial fission protein Drp1 is not a viable therapeutic target to counteract sarcopenia, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 11(S1), S33.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Franco-Romero, A., Broering, F.E., Moamer, A., Cefis, M., Chaffer, T.J., Dulac, M., Marcangeli, V., Sedraoui, S., Shams, A., Mayaki, D., Huck, L., Petrof, B., Lochmuller, H., Sandri, M., Hussain, S.N. et Gouspillou, G. (2022). MYTHO: A novel regulator of autophagy and skeletal muscle health, FASEB Journal, 36(S1), article R4805.
  • Dulac, M., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Ayoub, M.-B., Reynaud, O., Shams, A., Moamer, A., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2021). Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Altering Drp1 Expression to Counter Sarcopenia, Faseb Journal, 35(S1).
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Broering, F., Mayaki, D., Hussain, S. et Gouspillou, G. (2020). Parkin, a new therapeutic target to counter sarcopenia and sepsis-induced muscle wasting?Journal of Frailty & Aging, 9(S1), 35.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Miguez, K., Faitg, J., Reynaud, O., Broering, E.F., Mayaki, D., Huck, L. Sandri, M., Gouspillou, G. et Hussain, S. (2020). The Influence of Autophagy Inhibition on Sepsis-Induced Skeletal Muscle Wasting, Metabolic Derangements and Mortality. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, 201, article A2377.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Broering, F., Reynaud, O., Mayaki, D., Gouspillou, G. et Hussain, S. (2020). The Protective Role of Parkin Overexpression on Muscle Atrophy and Mitochondrial Morphology in Sepsis-Induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, 201, article A2378.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Broering, F., Mayaki, D., Hussain, S.N.A. et Gouspillou, G. (2019). Parkin overexpression attenuates muscle atrophy and rescues mitochondrial morphology in sepsis-induced skeletal muscle dysfunction, The FASEB Journal, 33(S1), article lb650.
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Miguez, K., Faitg, J., Reynaud, O., Mayaki, D., Huck, L., Gouspillou, G. et Hussain, S.N.A. (2019). Protective roles of autophagy in sepsis-induced skeletal muscle dysfunction, metabolic derangements and mortality, The FASEB Journal, 33(S1), article lb649.
  • Faitg, J., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O. et Gouspillou, G. (2018). The effect of aging and calorie restriction on mitochondrial morphology and dynamic in oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles, The FASEB Journal, 32(1), lb481.
  • Reynaud, O., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Hussain, S.N.A et Gouspillou, G. (2017). Parkin Overexpression Attenuates Aging-related Muscle Atrophy in Mice, The FASEB Journal, 31(suppl. 1), 764.3.
    Notes: Experimental Biology 2017, Chicago, April 2017
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Reynaud, O., Hussain, S.N. et Gouspillou, G. (2016). Adeno-Associated Virus transduction of Parkin results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy in young and old mice. Dans 7th World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria, Berlin, october 2016.
  • Dulac, M.C., Pion, C.H., Gouspillou, G., El Hajj Boutros, G., Chevalier, S., Bélanger, M.,...Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). Age-related loss of muscle quality: Impact of voluntary physical activity, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(suppl. 1), 97.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research 2016, Philadelphia, April 2016
  • Pinheiro Carvalho, L., Pion, C.H., Lemieux, F.C., El Hajj Boutros, G., Borghi-Silva, A., Gaudreau, P., Chevalier, S., Bélanger, M., Gouspillou, G.,... Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). Are predictors of functional capacity improved following a power training in obese and dynapenic-obese older men?The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(suppl. 1), 112.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research 2016, Philadelphia, April 2016
  • Amani, K.M.-L., Sané, A.T., Gouspillou, G., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Garofalo, U., Saint-Pierre, D.,...Levy, E. (2016). CFTR Knockout Induces Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Mitochondrial Dysfunctions in Caco-2/15 Intestinal Epithelial Cells, Gastroenterology, 150(4, suppl. 1), S313-S314.
    Notes: Disease Digestive Week 2016, San Diego, May 2016
  • CPion, C.H., El Hajj Boutros, G., Lemieux, F.C., Dulac, M.C., Chevalier, S., Gaudreau, P., Gouspillou, G.,... Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). Does mixed training-induced neurophysiological and muscular adaptations differs in elderly men according to their functional level?The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(suppl. 1), 90.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research 2016, Philadelphia, April 2016
  • El Hajj Boutros, G., Pion, C.H., Dulac, M. C., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Pinheiro-Carvalho, L., Bélanger, M., Chevalier, S., Gouspillou, G.,... Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). Impact of 12-week power training on muscle function in elderly men according to their IGF1/IGFBP3 status, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(suppl. 1), 78.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research 2016, Philadelphia, April 2016
  • Joffin, N., Pion, C.H, El Hajj Boutros, G., Saint-Jean-Pelletier, F., Dulac, M.C., Bélanger, M., Chevalier, S., Morais, J.A., Gaudreau, P., Noirez, P., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2016). The impact of obesity and obesity-dynapenia on skeletal muscle function and markers of mitochondrial metabolism in elderly men, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(suppl. 1), 89.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research 2016, Philadelphia, April 2016
  • St-Jean Pelletier, F., Pion, C.H., Lemieux, F., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P.. Barbat-Artigas, S., Sgarioto, N.,... Gouspillou G. (2015). Aging and Physical Activity: Effects on Human Skeletal Muscle Phenotype, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39(2), 170.
    Notes: Congrès Diabète Québec, 2014, novembre
  • Pion, C.H., Goulet, L., Demers, E., Barbat-Artigas, S., Reynaud, O., Chevalier, S., Gaudreau, P., Gouspillou, G.,... Bélanger, M. (2015). Do muscle strength and force development differ as a function of age?The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4(suppl. 1), 40.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research, Boston, April 2015
  • Colenari, R., Reynaud, O., Pion, C.H., Gaudreau, P., Morais, J.A., Chevalier, S., Bélanger, M., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2015). Influence of protein intake distribution on skeletal muscle adaptation in response to resistance training in elderly men aged over 70 yrs, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4(suppl. 1), 86.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research, Boston, April 2015
  • St-Jean Pelletier, F., Pion, C.H., Lemieux, F., Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Barbat-Artigas, S., Sgarioto, N.,... Gouspillou G. (2015). Investigation of the effects of aging on skeletal muscle phenotype in men, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4(suppl. 1), 82.
    Notes: International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research, Boston, April 2015
  • El Hajj Boutros, G., Dulac, M.C., Pion, C.H., Leduc-Gaudet, J.P., Belanger, M., Morais, J.A., Gouspillou, G.,... Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2015). Serum IGF-1 to IGFBP3 Ratio: Specific Biomarker ofFunctional Capacities in Elderly Men, Clinical Nutrition, 34(suppl. 1), S56.
    Notes: The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Conference, Lisbon, Septembre 2015
  • Barbat-Artigas, S., Pion, C., Gouspillou, G., Belanger, M., Hepple, R., Morais, J. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2014). Aging-related loss of skeletal muscle strength: the role of muscle quality, The FASEB Journal, 28(suppl. 1), 863.8.
    Notes: Experimental Biology 2014, San Diego, April 2014
  • Leduc-Gaudet, J.-P., Pion, C.H., Barbat-Artigas, S., Bélanger, M., Gouspillou, G., Morais, J.A.,... Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2014). Association of circulating levels of IGF-1 and IGFBP3 with muscle quality and physical function: preliminary results, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 3(1), 25-83.
    Notes: 3rd International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR), Barcelona, March 2014
  • Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Narici, M.V. et Gouspillou, G. (2014). Cellular, structural and functional markers of sarcopenia, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 3(1), 25-83.
    Notes: 3rd International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR), Barcelona, May 2014
  • Diolez, P., Gouspillon, G., Bourdel-Marchasson, I., Rouland, R., Calmettes, G., Deschodt-Arsac, V.,...Franconi, J.-M. (2014). Mitochondrial ANT regulation during ageing: How to decrease ROS production while preserving coupling efficiency, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1837(suppl.), e59-e60.
    Notes: European BioEnergetic Conference 2014 (EBEC 2014), Lisbon, July 2014
  • Pion, C.H., Barbat-Artigas, S., Chevalier, S., Gaudreau, P., Gouspillou, G., Morais, J.A.,... Bélanger, M. (2014). Neuromuscular profile of healthy and pre-frail elderly men: a pilote study, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 3(1), 25-83.
    Notes: 3rd International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR), Barcelona, March 2014
  • Spendiff, S., Filion, M.-E., Gouspillou, G., Wright, K., Vuda, M., Morais, J.,... Taivassalo, T. (2014). No protection of muscle mitochondrial function in elite octogenarian master athletes, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 3(1), 25-83.
    Notes: 3rd International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR), Barcelona, March 2014
  • Gouspillou, G., Ngarioto, S., Norris, B. et Hepple, R.T. (2013). Fiber type specific PGC-1α content and its relation to capillarization and mitochondrial content, The FASEB Journal, 27(suppl.1).
    Notes: Experimental Biology 2013, Boston, April 2013
  • Gouspillou, G., Sgarioto, N., Kapchinsky, S., Purves-Smith, F., Pion, C.H., Morais, J.A.,.... Hepple, R.T. (2013). Is mitochondrial function impaired with aging in human skeletal muscle?The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 22(2), 93-108.
    Notes: 1st GRAPA international symposium; Muscle: From Human to Cells (MHC), Montreal, May 2013
  • Barbat-Artigas, S., Pion, C.H., Gouspillou, G., Bélanger, M., Hepple, R.T., Morais, J.A. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2013). Loss of muscle mass with aging without loss of muscle quality, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 2(2), 93-108.
    Notes: 1st GRAPA international symposium (Muscle: From Human to Cells (MHC), Canada, Quebec), May 2013
  • Lemieux, F.C., Barbat-Artigas, S., Gouspillou, G. et Aubertin-Leheudre, M. (2013). Role of saturated fatty acids in the relation between essential amino acids intake andphysical capacities in post-menopausal women, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 2(2), 93-108.
    Notes: 1st GRAPA international symposium (Muscle: From Human to Cells (MHC), Canada, Quebec), May 2013
  • Gouspillou, G., Dutkiewicz, K., Sgarioto, N., Picard, M., Hepple, R.T. et Taivassalo, T. (2012). Evidence for PGC-1 mediated angiogenesis in human muscle: Insights from energetic deficiency in mitochondrial myopathy, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(5S), 267-958.
    Notes: 2012 ACSM annual conference, San Francisco, May 2012
  • Gouspillou, G., Sgarioto, N., Kapchinsky, S., Purves-Smith, F.M., Pion, C., Morais, J.A.,... Hepple R.T. (2012). Mitochondria from human skeletal muscle of old men exhibit sensitized permeability transition pore and mild uncoupling with no increase in ROS production, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 1(4), 199-236.
    Notes: 2012 International Conference on Sarcopenia Research, Orlando, December 2012
  • Konokhova, Y., Picart, M., Gouspillou, G., Kapchinsky, S., Baril, J., Jagoe, T. et Taivassalo, T. (2012). Prevalence of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiency in Skeletal Muscle of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(5S), 267-958.
    Notes: 2012 ACSM annual conference, San Francisco, May 2012
  • Godin, R., Piquereau, J., Gouspillou, G., Picard, M., Mofarrahi, M., Mathew, J.,...Burelle, Y. (2012). The role of Parkin in the maintenance of normal mitochondrial and cellular function in skeletal muscle, The FASEB Journal, 26(suppl. 1), 565.5.
    Notes: FASEB Research Conference, April 2012
  • Gouspillou, G., Bourdel-Marchasson, I., Rouland, R., Franconi J.-M. et Diolez P. (2009). Top-Down control analysis of aging effect on mitochondrialoxidative phosphorylation in rat skeletal muscle, The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13(suppl.1), S212.
    Notes: XIXth IAGG World Congress, Paris, July 2009

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