Domaines d'expertise
Cheminement académique
2003- 2007 Université du Québec à Montréal
Post-doctorat. Département de psychologie. Lab. du Dr. F. Richer
2001- 2003 Arizona State University
Post-doctorat. Department of kinesiology. Lab. du Dr. G.E. Stelmach
1997- 2001 Université de Montréal
Doctorat en kinésiologie
1995-1997 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Maîtrise en sciences de l'activité physique
1993-1995 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Baccalauréat en psychologie
Unités de recherche
- Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine
- Contrôle et apprentissage moteur (2025, 2024, 2023, 2021, 2020)
Directions de thèses et mémoires
- Cyr, Marie-Laurence. (2017). Impacts d'un programme de danse sur les fonctions exécutives d'adolescents avec la paralysie cérébrale. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Pouliot Laforte, Annie. (2014). Activité physique et fonction musculaire chez des enfants et des adolescents avec l'ostéogenèse imparfaite de type 1. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Hart, Raphaël Alexandre. (2014). Évaluation des déficits de la motricité globale chez les enfants atteints de trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité avec ou sans le syndrome de Gilles de la Tourette. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Robert, Maxime. (2012). Évaluation de la fréquence cardiaque chez les enfants sains et avec la paralysie cérébrale jouant à la Wii(tm). (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Parent, A., Marois, P., Sinclair, B., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. A kinematic analysis for identifying key contributors of step length in children with cerebral palsy.
Notes: (Soumis) - Smati, S., Pouliot-Laforte, A., Chevalier, M., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2022). Effect of power training on locomotion capacities in children with cerebral palsy with level III-V. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Routhier, F., Lettre, J., Bouffard, J., Archambault, P., Lemay, M. et Gélinas, I. (2022). Impacts of a robotic arm on people with upper-limb disabilities due to neuromuscular disorder. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 34(3), 180–191.
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Parent, A., Hamdy, R., Marois, P., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2022). Relationship between lower limbs strength and walking capacities in children with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(10), 1916–1922.
- Lambert, G., Alos, N., Bernier, P., Laverdière, C., Kairy, K., Drummond, K., Lemay, M. et Veilleux, L.-N. (2021). Home-Based Telehealth Exercise Intervention in Early-On Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Feasibility Study. JMIR Cancer, 7(2), article e25569.
- Demers, M., Fung, K., Subramanian, S.K., Lemay, M. et Robert, M.T. (2021). Integration of motor learning principles into virtual reality interventions for individuals with cerebral palsy: Systematic review. JMIR Serious Games, 9(2), article e23822.
- Blanchet, M., Prince, F., Lemay, M., Choinard, S. et Messier, J. (2021). Maximal stability limits in adolescents with Tourette syndrome. Journal of Advanced Pediatrics and Child Health, 4(1), 013–022.
- Lambert, G., Alos, N., Bernier, P., Laverdière, C., Drummond, K., Dahan-Oliel, N., Lemay, M., Veilleux, L.-N. et Kairy, D. (2021). Patient and parent experiences with group telerehabilitation for child survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), article 3610.
- Cherrière, C., Martel, M., Fortin, S., Raymond, M.-J., Veilleux, L.N., D’Arcy, S. et Lemay, M. (2020). An adapted dance program for children with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: An exploratory study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 24(2), 85–91.
- Cherrière, C., Martel, M., Sarrasin, A., Ballaz, L., Tallet, J. et Lemay, M. (2020). Benefits of a dance intervention on balance in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 40(5), 518–533.
- Cherrière, C., Robert, M., Fung, K., Tremblay Racine, F., Tallet, J. et Lemay, M. (2020). Is there evidence of benefits associated with dancing in children and adults with cerebral palsy? A scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(23), 3395–3402.
- Beaudoin, M., Lettre, J., Routhier, F., Archambault, P.S., Lemay, M. et Gelinas, I. (2019). Long-term use of the JACO robotic arm: A case series. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14(3), 267–275.
- Torkia, C., Ryan, S., Reid, D., Boissy, P., Lemay, M., Routhier, F., Contardo, R., Woodhouse, J. et Archambault, P.S. (2019). Virtual community centre for power wheelchair training: experience of children and clinicians. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14(1), 46–55.
- Beaudoin, M., Lettre, J., Routhier, F., Archambault, P.S., Lemay, M. et Gélinas, I. (2018). Impacts of robotic arm use on individuals with upper extremity disabilities: A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(5), 397–407.
- Shiller, D., Veilleux, L.N., Marois, M., Ballaz, L. et Lemay, M. (2017). Sensorimotor adaptation of whole-body postural control. Neuroscience, 356, 217–228.
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Lemay, M., Rauch, F. et Veilleux, L.N. (2017). Static postural control in youth with osteogenesis imperfecta type I. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), 1948–1954.
- Ballaz, L., Raison, M., Detrembleur, C., Gaudet, G. et Lemay, M. (2016). Joint torque variability and repeatability during cyclic flexion-extension of the elbow. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 8, article 8.
- Thibeault, M., Lemay, M., Chouinard, S., Lespérance, P., Rouleau, G.A. et Richer, F. (2016). Response inhibition in tic disorders: waiting to respond is harder when ADHD is present. Journal of Attention Disorders, 20(3), 251–259.
- Robert, M.T., Ballaz, L. et Lemay, M. (2016). The effect of viewing a virtual environment through a head-mounted display on balance. Gait and Posture, 48, 261–266.
- Sarcher, A., Raison, M., Ballaz, L., Lemay, M., Leboeuf, F., Trudel, K. et Mathieu, P.A. (2015). Impact of muscle activation on ranges of motion during active elbow movement in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Clinical Biomechanics, 30(1), 86–94.
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Veilleux, L-N., Rauch, F. et Lemay, M. (2015). Physical activity in youth with Osteogenesis Imperfecta type I. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 15(2), 171–176.
- Veilleux, L.-N., Pouliot-Laforte, A., Lemay, M., Cheung, M.S., Glorieux, F.H. et Rauch, F. (2015). The Functional Muscle-Bone Unit in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I. Bone, 79, 52–57.
- Veilleux, L.-N., Ballaz, L., Robert, M., Lemay, M. et Rauch, F. (2014). Analyzing Gait Using a Force-Measuring Walkway: Intrasession Repeatability in Healthy Children and Adolescents. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17(13), 1447–1451.
- Hart, R., Ballaz, L., Robert, M., Pouliot., A., D’Arcy, S., Raison, M. et Lemay, M. (2014). Impact of exercise-induced fatigue on the strength, postural control, and gait of children with a neuromuscular disease. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 93(8), 649–655.
- Ballaz, L., Robert, M., Parent, A., Prince, F. et Lemay, M. (2014). Impaired Visually Guided Weight-shifting Ability in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(9), 1970–1977.
- Veilleux, L.N., Lemay, M., Pouliot-Laforte, A., Cheung, M.S., Glorieux, F.H. et Rauch, F. (2014). Muscle Anatomy and Dynamic Muscle Function in Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 99(2), E356–E362.
- Pouliot, A., Veilleux, L.-N., Rauch, F. et Lemay, M. (2014). Validity of an accelerometer as a vertical ground reaction force measuring device in healthy children and adolescents and in children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta type I. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 14(2), 155–161.
- Robert, M., Ballaz, L., Hart, R. et Lemay, M. (2013). Exercise intensity levels in children with cerebral palsy while playing with an active video game console. Physical Therapy, 93(8), 1084–1091.
- Shiller, D.M., Bourguignon, N., Frak, V., Nazir, T., Cadoret, G., Robert, M. et Lemay, M. (2013). Word-induced postural changes reflect a tight interaction between motor and lexico-semantic representations. Neuroscience Letters, 555, 129–133.
- Veilleux, L.-N., Rauch, F., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2012). Agreement between vertical ground reaction force and ground reaction force vector in five common clinical tests. Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 12(4), 219–223.
- Lemay, M., Lê, T.-T. et Lamarre, C. (2012). Deficits in two versions of a sustained attention test in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 15(4), 253–258.
- Ballaz, L., Huffenus, A.-F., Lamarre, C., Koclas, L. et Lemay, M. (2012). Effect of forced use therapy on posture in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44(3), 268–271.
- Veilleux, L.-N., Robert, M., Ballaz, L., Lemay, M. et Rauch, F. (2011). Gait analysis using a force-measuring gangway: Intrasession repeatability in healthy adults. Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 11(1), 27–33.
- Ballaz, L., Plamondon, S. et Lemay, M. (2011). Group aquatic training improves gait efficiency in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(17-18), 1616–1624.
- Ballaz, L., Plamondon, S. et Lemay, M. (2010). Ankle range of motion is key to gait efficiency in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Clinical Biomechanics, 25(9), 944–948.
- Rand, M.K., Lemay, M., Squire, L.M., Shimansky, Y.P. et Stelmach, G.E. (2010). Control of aperture closure initiation during reach-to-grasp movements under manipulations of visual feedback and trunk involvement in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research, 201(3), 509–525.
- Lemay, M., Lê, T.-T. et Richer, F. (2010). Effects of a secondary task on postural control in children with Tourette syndrome. Gait & Posture, 31(3), 326–330.
- Rivière, J.B., St-Onge, J., Gaspar, C., Diab, S., Dion, Y., Lespérance, P., Tellier, G., Richer, F., Chouinard, S., Dubé, M.-P., Rouleau, G.A. et Montreal Tourette Study Group,(membres: Lemay, M. et al.). (2010). Genome-wide TDT analysis in French-Canadian families with Tourette syndrome. Canadian Journal Neurological Sciences, 37(1), 110–112.
- Tremblay, P.-L., Bedard, M.-A., Langlois, D., Blanchet, P.J., Lemay, M. et Parent, M. (2010). Movement chunking during sequence learning is a dopamine-dependant process : A study conducted in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research, 205(3), 375–385.
- Rivière, J.-B., Xiong, L., Levchenko, A., St-Onge, J., Gaspar, C., Dion, Y., Lespérance, P. Tellier, G., Richer, F., Chouinard, S., Rouleau, G.A. et Montreal Tourette Study Group,(membres: Lemay, M. et al.). (2009). Association of intronic variants of the BTBD9 gene with Tourette syndrome. Archives of Neurology, 66(10), 1267–1272.
- Lemay, M., Chouinard, S., Richer, F. et Lespérance, P. (2008). Huntington's disease affects movement termination. Behavioural Brain Research, 187(1), 153–158.
- Paquet, F., Bedard, M.A., Levesque, M., Tremblay, P.L., Lemay, M., Blanchet, P.J., Scherzer, P., Chouinard, S. et Filion, J. (2008). Sensorimotor adaptation in Parkinson's disease: Evidence for a dopamine dependent remapping disturbance. Experimental Brain Research, 185(2), 227–236.
- Lemay, M., Termoz, N., Lesperance, P., Chouinard, S., Rouleau, G.A. et Richer, F. (2007). Postural control anomalies in children with Tourette syndrome. Experimental Brain Research, 179(3), 525–530.
- Rand, M.K., Lemay, M., Squire, L.M., Shimansky, Y.P. et Stelmach, G.E. (2007). Role of vision in aperture closure control during reach-to-grasp movements. Experimental Brain Research, 181(3), 447–460.
- Fimbel, E.J., Lemay, M. et Arguin, M. (2006). Speed-accuracy trade-offs in myocontrol. Human Movement Science, 25(2), 165–180.
- Boulet, C., Lemay, M., Bédard, M.-A., Chouinard, M.-J., Chouinard, S. et Richer, F. (2005). Early Huntington's disease affects movements in transformed sensorimotor mappings. Brain and Cognition, 57(3), 236–243.
- Lemay, M. et Stelmach, G.E. (2005). Multiple frames of reference for pointing to a remembered target. Experimental Brain Research, 164(3), 301–310.
- Lemay, M., Fimbel, E., Beuter, A., Chouinard, S. et Richer, F. (2005). Sensorimotor mapping affects movement correction deficits in early Huntington's disease. Experimental Brain Research, 165(4), 454–460.
- Bertram, C.P., Lemay, M. et Stelmach, G.E. (2005). The effect of Parkinson's disease on the control of multi-segmental coordination. Brain and Cognition, 57(1), 16–20.
- Lemay, M., Gagnon, S. et Proteau, L. (2004). Manual pointing to remembered targets... but also in a remembered visual context. Acta Psychologica, 117(2), 139–153.
- Lemay, M., Bertram, C.P. et Stelmach, G.E. (2004). Pointing to an allocentric and egocentric remembered target. Motor Control, 8(1), 16–32.
- Lemay, M., Bertram, C.P. et Stelmach, G.E. (2004). Pointing to an allocentric and egocentric remembered target in younger and older adults. Experimental Aging Research, 30(4), 391–406.
- Lemay, M. et Proteau, L. (2003). Aging affects pointing to unseen targets encoded in an allocentric frame of reference. Experimental Aging Research, 29(3), 319–333.
- Lemay, M. et Proteau, L. (2002). Effects of target presentation time, recall delay, and aging on the accuracy of manual pointing to remembered targets. Journal of Motor Behavior, 34(1), 11–23.
- Lemay, M. et Proteau, L. (2001). A distance effect in a manual aiming task to remembered targets: A test of three hypotheses. Experimental Brain Research, 140(3), 357–368.
- Lemay, M. et Cherrière, C. (2020). Paralysie cérébrale et activités physiques adaptées. Dans C. Maïano, O. Hue, G. Moullec et V. Pepin (dir.). Guide d'intervention en activités physiques adaptées à l'intention des kinésiologues (p. 237–256). Presses de l'Université du Québec.
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Auvinet, E., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2016). Low-cost active video game console development for dynamic postural control training. Dans P.M. Sharkey et J. Merric (dir.). Recent advances on sing virtual reality technologies for rehabilitation (p. 85–90). Nova Science publishers.
- Richer, F., Lemay, M. et Lepage, M. (2008). Episodic memory in the context of cognitive control dysfunction: The case of Huntington’s disease. Dans E. Dere, A. Easton, L. Nadel et J.P. Huston (dir.). Handbook of Episodic Memory (p. 575–585). Elsevier.
- Routhier, F., Archambault, P.S., Cyr, M.C., Maheu, V., Gélinas, I. et Lemay, M. Benefits of jaco robotic arm on independent living and social participation: An exploratory study.
Notes: (Sous presse) - Pouliot-Laforte, A., Auvinet, E., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2015). Exergame development for dynamic postural control training. Dans 2015 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), Valencia, Spain, (p. 139-140).
- Lemay, M., Veilleux, L.-N., Marois, M., Ballaz, L. et Shiller, D.M. (2014). Adaptation of postural symmetry to an altered visual representation of body position. Dans P. Sharkey, L. Pareto, J. Broeren et M. Rydmark (dir.). The 10th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies: Proceedings, 2 to 4 September, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, (p. 341-344).
- Pouliot-Laforte, A., Auvinet, E., Lemay, M. et Ballaz, L. (2014). Low-cost active video game console development for dynamic postural control training. Dans P. Sharkey, L. Pareto, J. Broeren et M. Rydmark (dir.). The 10th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies: Proceedings, 2 to 4 September, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, (p. 361-364).
- Archambault, P., Tao, G., Torkia, C., Boissy, P., Lemay, M., Reid, D., Routhier, F., Ryan S.E. et Woodhouse, J. (2013). Development of a new virtual environment for a power wheelchair simulator: a user-centered approach. Dans 2013 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), (p. 216-217).
- Ballaz, L., Lemay, M., Robert, M. et Prince, F. (2011). Active video games and children with cerebral palsy: The future of rehabilitation? Dans D. Thalmann (dir.). 2011 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Zurich, Switzerland June 27-29, 2011, (p. 1-2).